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List Price: $499.95
Price: $385.00
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Boost your training regimen with Polar's RS800G3 multisport training system, one from the most comprehensive planning and analysis tool for athletes who train across multiple _disciplines. The RS800G3 bundle features a wristwatch, a heartbeat transmitter, a software CD, and a GPS sensor, and it is perfect for multisport athletes who want a chance to track speed and distance measurements in a selection of active pursuits, such as running, cycling, hiking, kayaking, cross-country skiing, and inline skating. By employing the RS800G3's integrated information setup, athletes can plan their routines, measure their bodies' response, and analyze their performance against personal goals. And as the RS800G3 provides the information that assists athletes avoid over- and under-training, users can train inside the most efficient manner possible to accomplish peak performance and fitness.
Although all with the merchandise is important, it does not take wristwatch that acts because the heart from the system, basic features as a highly accurate wireless heartrate gauge, a built-in fitness test, an interval trainer, a host of calculating options (including average and maximum heart rate, altitude and ascent details, plus a countdown timer), as well as the capability to record 99 exercise files. In effect, the watch serves as being a digital personal trainer, helping guide an athlete through detailed workouts of his or her own design.
When combined with all the G3 GPS sensor, however, the product is a lot more robust. Incorporating the SiRFstarIII chipset, the G3 GPS sensor talks wirelessly on the RS800 watch permit athletes easily measure speed and distance for a selection of outdoor sports. The G3 GPS sensor can be water-resistant and weighs only 80 grams, which makes it tough and light-weight enough to withstand training within the harshest of conditions. Simply strap the GPS sensor in your arm, a belt, or top of an backpack and you are set.
Finally, Polar's ProTrainer 5 software--a Windows-based application for training planning and analysis--lets athletes and coaches easily create and share specific training plans and analyze recorded data. Users simply transfer the information relating to the computer and also the wristwatch with a wireless infrared signal. The software can upload as many as 21 planned training sessions to the wristwatch, in addition to insightful graphs to trace performance.
About Polar
The first EKG accurate wireless heartbeat monitor was invented by Polar last 1977 being a training tool for that Finnish National Cross-country Ski Team. The idea of "intensity training" off by heart rate swept the athletic world within the eighties. By the 1990s, individuals were looking to heartbeat monitors not only for performance training needs, but additionally for achieving everyday fitness goals. Today, a similar notion of heartrate training will be employed by world-class athletes at the same time as people wanting to lose weight. Polar could be the leading brand among consumers, coaches, and private trainers worldwide and the clients are committed to not only producing the best products, but in addition being the key educator about the advantages of heart rate based exercise.
Polar's RS800 training system was initially launched with the s3 stride sensor for runners. With the introduction of the G3 GPS (global positioning system) Sensor to the system, the modern RS800G3 multisport training system enables athletes to measure speed and distance to get a number of outdoor sports including running, cycling, kayaking, hiking, canyoneering, in-line skating, cross-country and downhill skiing.
Product Features
Multisport training system with wristwatch computer, GPS sensor and FREE USB 2.0 Interface
Lets athletes track speed and distance in variety of active pursuits
Highly accurate wireless heart rate gauge, interval trainer, and more
Lightweight, water-resistant GPS sensor talks wirelessly to wristwatch
ProTrainer 5 software for uploading up to 21 planned training sessions

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