you're want to buy Heart, Laminated Giude, sold by 100,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Heart, Laminated Giude, sold by 100.You can choose to buy a product and Heart, Laminated Giude, sold by 100 at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here...

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List Price: $395.00
Price: $313.68
You Save: $81.32 (21%)
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Heart, sold by 100 Complete labeled illustrations from the sections from the heart as well as their functions. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vince Perez. This guide includes detailed diagrams of: circulation, anterior heart, posterior heart, interior heart, nerves and arteries, beginning of diastole, end of diastole, systole, end of systole, heart in diastole, and heart in systole. Sold by 100 pcs. Product photo may not exactly match the merchandise offered for sale. Please refer towards the product description.
Product Features
The Seller usually ships this product within 1-2 business days.?In accordance with their customer-centric policy, this Seller does not charge your credit card until the product has been shipped.?If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, the Seller may take longer to ship the product however the Seller in all cases, will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped.
Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

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