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List Price: $499.95
Price: $375.00
You Save: $124.95 (25%)
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The RS800sd adds in running speed and distance, and our newest feature, running cadence, using the new S3 Stride Sensor W.I.N.D. The RS800sd can be fully integrated in the adidas adistar running tops and shoes, to create the Worlds First Integrated Training System.
Product Features
Polar S3 Stride Sensor W.I.N.D., Wearlink W.I.N.D.
Running Index, Running Cadence, Training Planning w/Polar Protrainer 5
Online Running Coach, Altimeter, Accurate HR, OwnIndex, OwnOptimizer, OwnCal
99 Memory Files/99 Laps w/Total Recall
2-year warranty

polar rs800sd heartbeat monitor watch
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