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Price: $829.04
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Features with the MedaSonics FP3B Handheld Fetal Doppler Ultrasound Stethoscope System: To detect a fetal heartbeat throughout the earliest stages of pregnancy (nine to 12 weeks) also to assess the speed and rhythm of the fetal heart in pregnancy and labor, choose these pocket-sized ultrasound systems. The MedaSonics FP3B fetal Doppler includes a classic, rugged design well fitted to labor and delivery suites. Practical and easy-to-use, the FP3B enables discreet screening when coupled with a stethoscope. Classic, rugged design recognized for reliability and consistency. Single-device design incorporates the Doppler and probe into an easy-to-use system. Stethoscope allows discreet screening of fetal condition without alarming the patient. Narrow vs broad beam Doppler signal allows increased sensitivity. Doppler-based ultrasound is the safest, noninvasive way of monitoring fetal heartrate and health. Frequency: 2.25 MHz. Power source: 1 9V alkaline battery. Weight: 4.7 oz (133 gm). Dimensions: 4.95 x 2.5 x 1.0 in (12.6 x 6.4 x 2.5 cm). Includes: - Doppler. - Stethoscope headset. - Gel. - Battery. - Soft carrying case. The product referenced on this detail page is sold be Each.

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